Features and Curiculum - SMA Edu Global Bandung - Sekolah Bilingual dan Nasional Plus Cambridge

Features and Curiculum

Our School Features


Smart school is a concept that uses technology as a medium / tool to improve teaching, learning and school management including preparing students to face global challenges (information / digital age). Unlike the conventional school life, the smart school concept makes use of advanced technology and equipment in classrooms to give students a better learning experience.

Teaching has moved to a really advanced level where the one sided lecture methods no more exists and students are having a more interactive learning experience. Apart from all these, smart school provide students more learning opportunities, makes the process of learning a fun-filled one, help them learn new technology, allow them the option to collaborate with others and learn, and their grades improve as well.


Character development at EGS is about helping students learn and practice positive character attributes. Character development is woven into programs and practices it becomes a way of life. Student success is dependent on a safe, caring and inclusive learning environment where all students feel valued. This starts by teaching our students about the value of character – respecting themselves and each other, making positive contributions to their school and community and thinking critically and creatively.

Character development can be broadly described as an approach to developing a set of values, attitudes, skills and behaviours that are thought to support student’s development and contribute to their success in school and in adult life. These qualities include respect, leadership, motivation, resilience, self-control, self-confidence, social and emotional skills, and communication skills.


International Exposure is a program where schools hold activities internationally, such as overseas study, Olympic competitions (ex: Vanda and SISMO), and educators training with internationally renowned trainer. International exposure have the opportunity to participate in valuable life experiences and develop new or additional skills for students. With the full immersion experience, students can learn or master that country’s language at social, academic, and professional levels.

International exposure broadens the vision and enhances the personality of students. Studying abroad helps students experience a different cultural and business environment and develop first hand understanding of global business scenario. Exchange program provides student with cross cultural exposure and global perspective. The exchange experience is all about a wide variety of people, beautiful cities, different ways of doing things and opportunities to expand one’s horizons. These help equip them with essential traits for working in a global environment.

Our Curiculum Features


This program help all students use their skills and knowledge to perform well in school now so that they may also perform professionally in the workplace later on in life.

Senior High School:

  • Overseas Study
  • Mini Research
  • Tahsin & Tahfidz
  • Science / Social Lab Experiment
  • Field Trip
  • Intensive SBMPTN
  • Preparation SBMPTN
  • Try Out TOEFL (550) and IELTS (5.5) competencies mastery
  • Art and Culture Students Show and Exhibition


Character Building Program of Edu Global School is applied through knowledge, model and habituation in the school environment. Edu Global School implements an integrated character building system.

This program is the deliberate effort to help all students understand, care about, and act upon core ethical values. Our goal is to raise individuals who are intelligent, healthy and able to adapt to a dynamic environment. That’s why we realize the importance of instilling character education at every level of education.

Here are the habitual routines at Edu Global Senior High School:

  1. Intensive Character Building Program
  2. Basic Student Leadership Training
  3. Habituation of Dhuha Prayer
  4. Dzuhur Prayer in Congregation
  5. Habituation Morning Tilawah
  6. Monthly Islamic Forum Group Discussion
  7. Pesantren Kilat Activities (Short-Term Islamic Boarding School or Crash Course)
  8. Night of Bina Iman and Taqwa (MABIT)


Talent development program (after class) at Edu Global School is a place to stimulate and explore children’s talents in various fields.

This program focus at the qualities of a student that can be further developed and can lead to exceptional results and outstanding performance.

Here are the clubs at Edu Global Senior High School:

  1. Dance Club
  2. Vocal Group & Music Club
  3. English Club
  4. Deutsch Club
  5. Religion Education Club
  6. Basket Club
  7. Futsal Club
  8. Journalistic Club
  9. Art Club (DKV & FineArt)
  10. Perisai Diri Club
  11. Rchery Club
  12. Entrepeneur Club
  13. Qur’an Lovers Club

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